Kiss for a cause

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Sexy Eats: Top 8 Love Foods

There's always been a connection between food and passion. Have some fun and indulge in these aphrodisiacs.
Derived from the name Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty, aphrodisiacs have been used by many to rekindle an old flame or make themselves more desirable. Aphrodisiacs are supposed to work by either influencing the mind or stimulating the parts of the body associated with sexual desire. Researchers confirm that there are herbs and types of food that may affect our libidos, while groups like the US Food and Drug Administration stress that there is no scientific basis for it all. If you believe in the power of aphrodisiacs, we've listed a few of the best-known "love foods" in the gallery below..

 Chocolate contains phenylethylamine and serotonin, which are chemicals that the brain releases when you feel happy and in love. It has also been found to produce a substance called anandamide. According to the Neuroscience Institute in California, anandamide is a neurotransmitter that gives a person a kind of “high” similar to the one induced by marijuana. Scientists say chocolate doesn’t directly increase sexual desire, but it may make you feel good, which can lower your inhibitions and make you more receptive to your partner’s advances. 

 According to folklore, these shellfish were popular among ancient Romans for their ability to enhance sexual desire (particularly in men) because their meat resembles the female genitalia. Scientists have found oysters to be high in zinc, a mineral now known to help improve sexual function in men because it increases testosterone and sperm count. Estrogen- and testosterone-releasing compounds such as D-aspartic acid and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) have also been found in oysters, clams, and mussels. What scientists have yet to learn is how much shellfish you’d need to ingest to actually benefit from the substances in them.

 To get themselves in the mood, Ancient Persian newlyweds drank mead, or fermented honey, for a month after getting married (the word “honeymoon” actually developed from the term “honey month.”). Scientists say honey is rich in boron, a mineral that enhances mental alertness, and B vitamins that help enhance the production of testosterone (the hormone partially responsible for sexual desire in both men and women).


Ginseng is usually prepared as a tonic to help boost stamina and mental alertness. Though believed to enhance sexual prowess in women, it is more popular among men. A study published in the Journal of Urology reports some improvement in their participants’ erectile function, but the effect of ginseng on libido is not clear.

 Due to their phallic shape, cucumbers were traditionally consumed as part of a meal to enhance sexual function. More recently, a study by the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in the US shows that the scent of cucumbers (in combination with the scent of a licorice-flavored candy called Good and Plenty) helps increase blood flow to the vagina by 13 percent.

 Spicy foods are believed to be aphrodisiacs, perhaps because the capsaicin in the hot peppers used to spice them produce reactions similar to those you feel when having sex—an increased heart rate and sweating. Eating large quantities is said to produce an effect in the genitals similar to sexual excitement.

 Avocados are believed to be aphrodisiacs because when the fruits are hung on trees, they resemble testicles. It is also rich in vitamins C and E and the testosterone-enhancing B6. However, it hasn’t been scientifically proven whether or not the nutrients in one avocado can do the trick.

 This beetle is usually dried and crushed into powder and eaten by itself or with food and drink. It is believed to increase sexual arousal because it contains a substance called cantharidin, which stimulates the urogenital tract. The substance, however, is highly toxic and can damage the kidneys and the body’s gastrointestinal system. In some cases, it can also lead to death.
